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Our role is more
than that of a
mere organization

We are the 5 powerful architects of evolution, crafting a suite of service offerings that’s not only secure but also enhances the lives of its users. As Pivotal voice in Australia's leading landscape, Money Master provides visionary minds with the chance to cultivate ties with the nation’s major financial institutions.

Get Accredited




(Money Master)


Submission of Online Form/Contact Us
Begin the accreditation process by submitting the online form or contacting us through the designated channel.
Meeting with your Business Development Manager (BDM)
Arrange a meeting with your assigned Business Development Manager (BDM) to discuss the accreditation process and requirements.
Completion and Signing of the Licensed & Exempt Referrer Agreement
Proceed to complete and sign the Licensed & Exempt Referrer Agreement, ensuring that all necessary details are accurately provided.
Email Submission of the Referrer Agreement and Supporting Documents
Email the completed Referrer Agreement and all required supporting documents to the accreditation inbox. Remember to include your BDM on this communication.
Accreditation Approval
Await approval of your accreditation. Our team will review your submission, and upon successful evaluation, you will receive confirmation of your accreditation status.
Credit Guide & Privacy Consent and Referrer ID
Upon approval, you will receive your Credit Guide & Privacy Consent, and an unique Referrer ID. These documents are crucial for your role as an accredited referrer.
Referrer Partner Online Platform Login Credentials
You will be provided with login credentials for our Referrer Partner Online Platform. This platform will enable you to efficiently manage your referrals.


You are now fully accredited and ready to lodge loan applications. For detailed instructions on how to submit a new loan application, please refer to the submission process tab or contact your BDM.
We look forward to a successful partnership in serving your referral needs. Should you have any questions or require assistance at any point during this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Get in Touch with Us

We value your feedback, inquiries, and suggestions. Our dedicated team is here to assist you. Whether you have questions about our products or services, want to collaborate, or simply want to say hello, we'd love to hear from you. Reach out to us using the information below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to connecting with you.

    Contact Us